Urban Greening Strategy means more trees for Perth

The Western Australian State Government is developing an urban greening strategy to help make Perth and Peel greener, cooler and more liveable into the future.

Trees and other vegetation are an essential part of the urban fabric, providing a variety of significant social, economic and environmental benefits. They are also recognised in the Government’s climate change response as a method to mitigate the urban heat island effect.

The impacts of climate change are expected to worsen, this increases the importance of planning for green neighbourhoods, more tree canopy and green spaces in our communities. This is why the Western Australian State Government is committed to playing an important leadership role through the preparation of an Urban Greening Strategy for the Perth and Peel regions.

The strategy will ensure initiatives are coordinated and complement any existing greening programs, such as Waterwise Perth and the Urban Greening Grants programs.

Development of the strategy will be led by the Western Australian Planning Commission and will explore various elements aimed at enhancing tree canopy and creating more green spaces across the Perth and Peel regions, including:
* tree-canopy measurement and reporting
* education and awareness
* urban heat identification and mitigation
* green linkages (looking at under-utilised State Government land for greening opportunities), and
* urban greening grant program.

Initiatives that could be considered include additional Government grant programs, events and incentives, a public education program, expanding successful planting and tree programs, improved tree canopy data and opportunities to partner with local government and community groups.

Follow developments at wa.gov.au.

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