Try a new way to sign in to myGov using your myGovID.
The ATO has advised that there are more than 19 million myGov accounts with access to member services like the ATO, Centrelink, Medicare and more. To improve your online digital experience, ATO is excited to announce that you can now connect your myGovID to your myGov account for simple, flexible and secure access. This new way of accessing myGov is being trialled as part of transforming the way Australians interact with government.
Connecting a myGovID to a myGov account is optional. Once connected, you can still use your existing sign in option as well as myGovID, helping you avoid losing access to your account when using other sign in options. You can disconnect your myGovID from myGov at any time.
myGovID uses encryption and cryptographic technology as well as the security features in your device, such as fingerprint, face or password to protect your identity, making it the most secure way to sign in to myGov.
Your myGovID provides you with streamlined access to multiple government online services for both personal and business matters. It’s unique to you, using your personal information which is verified against existing government records – you cannot share it with others.
What’s the difference?
myGovID is an app you download to your smart device. It lets you prove who you are and sign in to a range of government online services, including myGov.
Your myGov account lets you link to and access services like the ATO, Centrelink, Medicare and more.
Connecting your myGovID to your myGov account makes signing in:
• Simple – set up once and use it to unlock government online services
• Flexible – you can still use your current myGov sign in option or myGovID, helping you avoid losing access to your account when using other sign in options
• Secure – your personal information is encrypted and verified against existing government records, making it the most secure way to sign in to myGov
• Streamlined – you can access multiple government online services, for both personal and business matters.
Before you start to set up your myGovID, you need:
• A smart device – the myGovID app is compatible with most smart devices and is only available from the Apple App Store or Google Play
• An email address – as it’s your personal Digital Identity, you should set up your myGovID using a personal email address. It should not be a shared or work email address
• To be 15 years or older – age restrictions may also apply to use some government online services.
Before you connect
Before you connect your myGovID to your myGov account make sure:
• You’ve downloaded and set up the myGovID app
• You’ve verified two identity documents to achieve a Standard identity strength.
Connect your myGovID to your myGov account today!
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