Towards Two Billion Trees is an ambitious 10-point plan for the next 10 years launched by WWF-Australia.
The mission
The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Australia points out even before the challenges of COVID-19, Australia was hit hard by bushfires during the summer of 2019-20 – the most catastrophic bushfire season ever experienced in the country’s history. So much was lost. Up to 19 million hectares were burnt, with 12.6 million hectares primarily forest and bushland. 33 lives were lost and around 3,094 homes destroyed.
As Australia’s leading conservation champion, WWF believe a loss of biodiversity of this magnitude is unacceptable and has launched an ambitious 10-point plan for the next 10 years, Towards Two Billion Trees, designed to:
STOP excessive tree-clearing,
PROTECT our existing trees and forests, and
RESTORE native habitat that has been lost.
WWF-Australia’s national 10-point plan to save and grow two billion trees by 2030
* End deforestation and forest degradation by phasing out major destruction of mature forests and woodlands
* Conserve 30 per cent of Australia’s land within the National Reserve System
* End native timber harvesting and transition the forest logging industry to plantations or Forest Stewardship Council-certified forestry
* Convince the federal government to lead states and territories in the transition
* Reforest 10 million hectares of native forests and woodlands
* Store up to one billion tonnes of carbon in new forests and woodlands
* Invest in research and development to grow carbon farming opportunities, plus modelling to demonstrate rain farming benefits
* Cease deforestation for beef production
* Stabilise and reverse population declines of threatened species dependent on forests and woodlands
* Ensure the welfare of native wildlife is addressed
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