Silky Saws Ambassador

What is a Silky Saw Ambassador and what’s the big deal?

We were going to publish an article where we said the usual journalism stuff. Silky Saws are proud to announce the first Australian Ambassador as… yada yada yada.

When we showed this to an arborist for an opinion, she asked “Why would I want to waste five minutes of my life reading that”? That made us think a bit because we were pretty proud of what we had written but realized we had written it for us to feel good and not for any benefit of the reading audience. So we had to do a re-write.

So what is a Silky Saw ambassador anyway?

An ambassador for Silky Saws is someone in our industry who has used Silky Saws extensively, knows their advantages and is proud to use them and talk about them. The ambassador also has to be somebody who, in our opinion is an outstanding individual in the industry who people can relate, communicate with and aspire to. They also have to be willing to use all of the Silky Saws range of arborist and pruning saws from the Pocket Boy to the Hayate 7.7m pole saw.

After meeting Jamie Boston in our showroom at Capalaba in Brisbane and talking with him about the saws and the role of Ambassador, we agreed to request Silky Japan’s approval for Jamie as the Ambassador representative for Australia for the next twelve months (2018/2019).

As most of you reading this are in the tree industry, you will know that the majority of climbing arborists will use a Silky Saw as their handsaw of choice attached to their belt or leg with leg straps. They are fairly attached to the Zubat and difficult to persuade to use other saws. This is where Jamie comes in.

Who is Jamie Boston?

If you don’t know Jamie, he is a very personable young man who has had this dream since he first donned a harness to compete in the world tree climbing championships. This year Jamie travelled to Columbus in Ohio to compete in the World Tree Climbing Championship from August 3 to 5. We wished him well in his quest. He not only made his dream of competing come true, he also won the Ascent Climb. Now he can boost world domination!

Silky Innovations

Many of the innovations from Silky Saws have originated from Australia and Australian arborist suggestions. To mention a few, the Tsurugi was developed because an Australian arborist wanted a sturdy, narrow (from top to bottom) saw for de-nutting coconuts. The first iteration was rejected, but Silky came back with a thicker blade kerf, and the vibration absorbing handle and the rest is, as they say, history.

The 7.7m Hayate was at first produced only for Australia after a request for it. And originally the Hayate was produced after a trip to Australia by the owners of Silky Japan and they saw how hard the working conditions are here, the toughness of the trees and the roughness their pole saws had to endure.

And don’t forget the new Zubat Professional Arborist Saw that was produced after a consultation with Silky Japan representatives visiting Australia. They agreed that a bigger tooth Zubat would be a great addition to the range.

Go Ask Jamie

So, to all you arborists out there reading this, if you see Jamie at a climbing gig or competing, go up and ask him what he knows about Silky Saws and see if you learn something new. I’m sure you will. And if you have any ideas regarding the saws or the design, also let him know so we can pass your ideas back to Japan. You never know, you maybe the next Aussie that gets to boast that the guy next to you is using your saw!

For more information visit or call Arborlab Tree Care and chat with Jannita on (07) 3823 1599.

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