Shakanda’s truck fitouts

A Shakanda modded truck showing the chipper body.

Shakanda’s custom-built Chipper Tippers and truck fitouts follow a proven and well-established process.

Victorian-based truck-body builder, Shakanda, specialises in custom designing and building just about anything for any truck or working vehicle, but its Chipper Tippers are a specialty.

Shakanda bodies feature a three-year structural warranty, a fully sandblasted, 2-pack, zinc-primed and 2-pack top-coated finish, and a stack of extras are available – pretty much whatever the customer can imagine. Producing bodies for specific tasks which meet the truck-manufacturers’ specs is Shakanda’s bread and butter.

As Shakanda’s Body Building Manager and Head of Engineering, Tim Knight outlined, “You could pick any make and model you could possibly want. We can custom design a chipper bin, or pretty much anything a customer needs, and make sure it has the maximum payload possible without exceeding the truck’s GVM or axle capacities. We give as many estimations and as much information as we can to the customer so they can make informed decisions.”

A careful process

The process for a custom build is not as complex as it may first seem, thanks largely to Shakanda’s proven system and use of advanced technology.

“A customer will come to us and say which make or model of truck they have, and what features they’d like the final build to have,” Tim explained. “Once we have that clear we will complete a 2D (two-dimensional) layout drawing.

“It’s a preliminary drawing, which has weight calculations and estimations, and it gives the customer the chance to look at the actual truck and what they’re having fitted to it. The drawing tells them what their payload is going to be and gives an estimation of frontaxle and rear-axle weights on the fully loaded vehicle. This ensures they get the capacity they need without exceeding any regulatory limits.

“This is accompanied by a quote based off the 2D drawing, and usually has a list of other optional items that could be added to their build.” “That’s the first stage.” A three-dimensional drawing lets the customer see what they’re getting before the build begins.

A two-dimensional schematic drawing of the Shakanda plan for a chipper body fitted to a customer truck.
A two-dimensional layout drawing shows the customer an estimation of what their payload’s going to be, and their front-axle and rear-axle weights on a fully loaded vehicle. Image: Shakanda

Getting serious

Once the customer has had time to check through the drawing and ensure everything is as they imagined and requested, and the quote is accepted, the next step is for Shakanda to schedule the build into its system, then engineering starts modelling up the specs using Solidworks. This is when the 3D (three-dimensional) Model is created. From the 3D model all the work instructions and drawings for the build are done so the vehicle body can be manufactured.

Tim continued… “The 3D modelling is based off the 2D initial drawing, and it’s for fabrication, but we also get the customer involved at this stage.

“Even though they’ve signed off on their two-dimensional drawing, it’s always better to have a look at a threedimensional model. It’s more intuitive for a customer if they can visualise the whole vehicle and its features in 3D. The customer can see and look over their vehicle. If the customer can’t meet in person, we can do this over Teams, Zoom, Google Meet or something like that, and wherever they are – on their phone, tablet, in their office, wherever – they can see the model.

“We share the model live. We go over all aspects of the build and show them everything. At this stage the customer might decide to make changes or may be happy with our design and we will move to the next stage.”

A three-dimensional drawing os Shakanda's proposed tipper build.
A three-dimensional drawing lets the customer see what they’re getting before the build begins. Image: Shakanda

Full custom

The precision and procedure used in planning a Shakanda job is a reflection of the care and attention to detail which goes into the build itself. Ensuring the customer’s vision is being made reality is at the heart of custom work, and ensuring the safety and durability of the work itself is at the heart of Shakanda’s philosophy.

Tim summed things up: “At Shakanda, we value feedback from both industry professionals and end users, whether positive or negative. This input helps us continually enhance our chipper bin products, ensuring they meet the daily needs of our clients.

To see more of Shakanda’s products and services, log on to

Shakanda pull quote saying 'precision procedure'.
Image: Prime Creative media
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