The ACT Government has planted around 18,000 trees in the 2021-2022 financial year, far exceeding its 10,000 tree target.
The result – highlighted in an Urban Forest Strategy report – means the government has exceeded its tree planting target by around 80 per cent.
“Our largest tree planting program since self-government is underway as we work towards achieving our ambitious target of 30 per cent tree canopy cover or equivalent by 2045,” Minister for Transport and City Services Chris Steel said.
“Canberra’s incredible tree canopy is part of what makes our city a great place to live. Trees help cool our suburbs, clean our air, reduce water runoff, improve the liveability of our streets, provide habitat for local wildlife and enhance community wellbeing.”
In addition to the record tree planting program, other key actions undertaken in 2022 to meet the Urban Forest Strategy objectives include:
- introducing the Urban Forest Bill 2022, which will repeal and replace the Tree Protection Act 2005 and improve tree protection on public and private land by encouraging shared care of trees by the ACT Government, industry and the community
- investing in community-based tree planting initiatives and community programs including the Adopt-a-Park program and Urban Parks and Places volunteer groups
- collaborating on water sensitive urban projects to help promote the health of urban forest, support urban biodiversity and build liveability
- collaborating with EPSDD and other organisations in developing policy and restoration projects to ensure species diversity is optimised for habitat and connectivity.
In April this year, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation and the Arbor Day Foundation officially named Canberra an ‘International Tree City of the World’ in recognition of our efforts.
“As the ACT Government works towards strengthening tree protection in 2023 with the implementation of the Urban Forest Bill, we will continue to work with the community to care for and plant more trees,” Steel said.
“Members of the community can suggest a tree planting location via an interactive map on the YourSay website. There have been over 4,300 planting locations suggested since the map was launched in 2019. These suggestions help guide our planting programs.
“People can also check the level of canopy cover in their region, suburb or even their own block. Our online interactive canopy cover map shows Canberra’s canopy cover, by region, based on the 2020 data,” Steel said.
“I encourage the community to increase their own canopy cover to help us achieve our 30% target and enhance our city’s urban forest.”
The Urban Forest Strategy report and the ACT Canopy Cover Map 2020 can be viewed at
For more information on tree planting visit