SIP 360, 400, 430, 460

Sale Price: $69* Watch Price Make An Offer
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North Rocks, NSW


Title SIP 360, 400, 430, 460
Type Hay Tools
Sub Type Rotary Rakes
Make SIP
Model 360, 400, 430, 460
Sale Price $69 inc GST
Listing Type New
RefCode DIY897806


Hay Rake, Swather and Tedder tines for various models from Oz Agro Parts

Aftermarket New Hay Rake Swather Tynes to fit miscellaneous.

Length - 595 mm
Width - 85 mm
Tine Thickness - 9.5mm
Weight - 1.1 Kg

Fits SIP Star hay making rake tyne model 360/10, 400/11, 430/12, 470/13.

Fits Pottinger tedders 42N, SK261, EUROTOP 420N; EUROTOP 421A; EUROTOP 421N; EUROTOP 42N; EUROTOP 460N; EUROTOP 461N; EUROTOP 610A; EUROTOP 691M; EUROTOP 770A; EUROTOP 771A; EUROTOP 851M; EUROTOP 881A; TOP 420N; TOP 421A; TOP 421N; TOP 42N; TOP 460N; TOP 461N; TOP 610A; TOP 691M; TOP 770A; TOP 771A; TOP 851M; TOP 881A1
Type: Top 42 N, SK 261, Top 420 N, Eurotop 601/881 A, 770/771 A, 691 M, 460/461 N, 421 A

Fits Kuhn tedders GA 8521