Clever Solutions

Monitor Lifts have a full range of Truck Mounted EWPs from 14m to 36m working height, with 2WD and 4WD chassis options. They can even supply units up to 20m working height on a car licence category truck!

Truck mounted EWPs can be advantageous when doing repetitive street tree maintenance, or projects requiring long distance travel. Especially being a registered road going vehicle, this can prevent any hassle with traffic management or permits. A small unit such as the Monitor E209PX is very compact and takes up a lot less room than a vehicle towing a trailer.

Setting up is very fast; simply pull up, engage the PTO, climb out of the vehicle and lower the stabiliser legs and you’re right to elevate!

The Monitor Lifts truck mount designs are very compact, allowing for tight access and efficient operation. There are telescopic and knuckle models available to suit any requirement.

The clever double-knuckle boom design of the Monitor E209PX provides an excellent working envelope, from ground level right through to working height, with very minimal tail swing. The 2-man, 220kg SWL is available throughout the entire envelope providing unrestricted outreach.

The 4 x vertical heavy duty stabiliser legs allow the truck to set up on all sorts of terrain and provide a very nice sturdy base to ensure excellent stability at height. The stabiliser legs do not protrude past the edge of the truck tray, allowing setup in very confined areas and within one lane width if doing street work.

Smooth hydraulic controls allow very precise operation, and also provides for fast boom movements when required. Multiple functions can be made simultaneously. Platform rotation is standard, and fly jibs are available on some models.

Monitor Lifts can even provide radio control options, auto level, custom tool box design, roof and cab protection, etc. Step aboard and be ready to hit the road for the next project!

For more information on the Monitor Lifts products, please call the friendly team today on 1800 025 024 or email Whether it’s sales or hire, or Hire 2 Own, Monitor Lifts are sure to have an option to suit your needs.

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