Aust. Arbor Age 25th birthday!

It has been 25 years since the birth of The Australian Arbor Age, from its humble beginnings it has been the voice of the Tree Industry in Australia ever since. Going through a few changes over the years the founder has stepped back in and taken full responsibilty for the Aust. Arbor Age. “im taking it back to its glory days, with a modern twist, every single tree industry professional will fall in love with the Aust. Arbor Age again, you will see.”

“The March/April issue 2021 will be the actual 25th birthday since the launch” The founder remembers as if it was yesterday sipping on his coffee and getting ready for a solid day in the office. “the changes that came to the Tree Industry from the moment the magazine was launched are etched into the Tree Industry history in Australia”. 

To get involved or have some input in this special edition or whatever contact us form or give us a call and we will respond.

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