Extreme weather can make tree work difficult and increase possible hazards. Make sure business is prepared for the increased risks that come with a warmer than average summer season.
The Bureau of Meteorology is predicting warmer than average temperatures across Australia this summer, bringing an increased risk of drought, heatwaves and bushfires. This sort of extreme weather can affect businesses from across a range of sectors, but especially outdoor workers in arboriculture. Make sure there are plans in place to manage the heat, and ensure obligations in the event of an emergency are understood.
Plan ahead
There are a few things you can do now to make sure you’re prepared, such as:
* Developing an emergency management plan
* Checking fire alarm systems, fire sprinklers and fire equipment
* Running through evacuation procedures and display it where everyone can see it
* Creating an emergency kit and first-aid kit
* Planning for power outages
* Updating insurance policies
* Checking the right personal protective equipment (PPE) and uniforms are worn for working in extreme heat
* Updating the list of emergency and employee contact numbers
* Storing important documents securely and having backup copies stored off-site
* Identifying, assessing and controlling risks that come with extreme weather conditions
* Preparing communication templates (emails, text messages or signs) to use if it’s needed to communicate to employees or customers about changes or temporary closures to a business, and
* Updating a business continuity plan.
It’s important to remember, in an emergency the priority is the safety of personnel. Protecting business and assets is second.
Working in heat
Under work, health and safety laws, business owners have a duty to keep employees safe when working in extreme heat. Working in heat can put employees at risk of heat-related illness.
During summer, check the Bureau of Meteorology for the temperature and weather warnings in your area.
Log on to business.gov.au for advice on how to prepare a business for na emergency.